Let me introduce the Endurance, Intelligence and Neutral cards review of “The Fall of the Dark Brotherhood”. This is a PART 2 of review. First part you can read here.
“The Fall of the Dark Brotherhood” is the new story in TES:Legends which was released on March 5th. It costs 1000 gold for every part or 19,99€ for all parts of it. You will get 40 new cards in this expansion set.
Neutral cards (5):
Flesh Sculpture
Knife to the Throat
Gristlehide Dreugh
The Night Mother
Cards with Endurance Attribute (7):
Little Girl
Dark Guardian
Falkreath Defiler
Wrath of Sithis
Stalking Shadowscale
Cicero the Betrayer
Cards with Intelligence Attribute (7):
Stealer of Secrets
Spear of Embers
Corsair Ship
Blood Sorceress
Palace Conspirator
Speaker Terenus
Daggers in the Dark