Tier 1
Ramp Dragon Scout is still an insane deck because of its power in late game and answers for all game styles: it does not have cards with Prophecy but has cards with Guard, Heal. You can play this cards several times during the game because of
Rage Archer is very strong and popular deck now. It has answers for aggressive and control styles of game. Cards with keyword Lethal can beat strong enemy creatures. You can heal yourself by combination
Aggro Crusader is strong aggressive deck. It can beat you as fast as it can. Mighty Ally has 100% chance to get bonuses because of Mono Strength cards and cards with Dual Attributes ( Crusader cards Ulfric’s Housecarl and Crusader’s Assault will give great draw potential) in this deck. There are a lot of creatures with keyword Charge in it so if you have less than 10 health some topdecks will destroy you. Control Mage has good winrate against this deck.
Tier 2
Token Crusader is now not so strong but still has good winrate in current meta. It has good tempo game and excellent card draw potential that gives chance to create a strong board several times. To beat this deck you should have AOE`s, cards with Prophecy or cards that deal damage and destroy opponent’s tokens one by one. Control decks like Control Mage and tempo decks with Strength Attribute like Midrange Archer have good winrate against this deck.
Aggro Warrior is strong aggressive deck too. It has the same Strength cards like in Aggro Crusader but without draw potential from Dual Attributes cards. But there is strong card
Control Mage has been a good deck during all time. It has a lot of AOE effects, point removals, defence Prophecy. You can destroy opponent’s tempo game and then beat him in late game. It is bad against Ramp Scout or another late game decks with
Tier 3
Midrange Archer can have a good win rate against a lot of decks because of answers to opponent’s tempo play and own powerful tempo cards. There are a lot of 2-drops in this deck that can help to create a good tempo. Goblin Sculk helps a lot against aggro because of drawing
Midrange Sorcerer is a good universal deck too like Midrange Archer. But it is better against Control Mage because
Token Mage is a popular token deck. It is not so good like Token Crusader because it does not have so good draw potential. But it can be very aggressive and tempo and beat even tier 1 decks. You can get extra Lightning Bolt after playing
Tier 4
Midrange Prophecy Mage was very popular deck. Now it can come back in ladder and can have good winrate. There are 26 cards with keyword Prophecy in this deck. Sometimes even if you do not control the board you will be able to come back after getting prophecies from runes.
Altair Control Monk can be pretty good against all aggressive and token decks. You can upgrade Drain Vitality to 3 level and deal -2/-2 to all tokens.
Item Sorcerer can also have good winrate. It has good midrange cards like in Midrange Sorcerer but also has Item synergy. Master of Swordsmith and